Prescription management plays very important role in the growth of your Optical shop business. Read this article very carefully and you will understand how prescription management can increase your sales.
Prescription in optical business is used for POWERS or VISION of the customers. 70% optical business is selling glasses with vision. Hence, it ads major share in your optical shop business. This is why it is very important to store prescriptions of all your patients. Also, your database should have entire history of all the prescriptions of given patient.
It is very common that patients will not remember when they have tested their eye powers or what was the powers when they got their eye tested last time. So, if you have these records; you can add value to your patients and they will give recurring sales in your optical shop.
Once you have required database and prescription records, you can use this data in multiple ways, such as:
Set auto reminder to your patients every 6 months asking them to re-check their eye powers.
Compare his old powers with the new once when customer comes for new order. It will help customer to understand if his powers are growing drastically or it is controlled.
Search and inform the customers based on powers for specific treatment to reduce eye powers or to control their eye power.
Inform patients for any special or free eye check-up campaigns.
Regularly inform patients about methods and techniques to protect their eyes and help them to improve their eye power.
If customer come back in future with one glass broken or lost; with the use of prescription database, you can find out the power of the glass which one is broken or lost.
You will see great results and increased sales in less than 6 months time once you start practicing this techniques of Prescription Management in your optical shop.
There are many ways you can store prescriptions of your patients. However, using advance and proven software like Optical CRM is the best way to store prescriptions of your patients. These advance softwares have very easy to use interface to enter prescription data and they provide great reports in excel to use such prescription database.